We have put over 100,000 individuals into the Relax Sauna at Professional and Other Conferences over the last 12 years.

Many are profoundly affected in a wonderful way by their experiences in the Relax Sauna. 

Since we have exhibited at a number of these conferences for many years, we have many very pleased Relax Sauna users coming to our booth wanting to share with us how much they love the Relax Sauna, and what it has done for them.

Beauty, Weight Loss, Skin, Cellulite, Psoriasis

Toxins are Stored in Fat Cells.

Release Them and the Fat is Released!

Also, the Relax Sauna Burns 600 Calories per 15-minute Session.

  “Run a 6-Hour Run by Sitting Still”

Additional Beauty Benefits are Cellulite Reduction and Flawless Skin.

One Satisfied Customer Reports that 99% of His Psoriasis Cleared Up in Only 6 Weeks  (80% in 3 weeks)

It is Important to Know that Plastics are Estrogenic and Create a Hormonal Imbalance that Promotes Weight Gain

FIR saunas are the only way to remove plastics (which are estrogenic) from the body.

This is according to Sherry Rogers, M.D., Northeast Center for Environmental Medicine – internationally known expert in environmental medicine and author of Detoxify or Die, and Tired or Toxic? She says that high tech pollution requires high tech solutions.

Relax Sauna Video Testimonials that Talk about

Beauty, Weight Loss, Skin, Cellulite, Psoriasis

(click on picture or link to watch video)

To order one go HERE and type the promo code “Energy” in the comments box for free shipping.

Lost 90 Pounds, Level 10 Arthritic Pain All Gone – She’s Now a “Jumping Jack! ”


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Jan has been using the Relax sauna for about four years.  She had been very overweight and used the sauna about four times a week for about 20 minutes.

She sweated a lot and within the first year lost over 70 pounds.  She had weighed 245 pounds and got down to 170 pounds.  In in the last six months she has lost maybe another 20 pounds.

She also had a lot of inflammation, particularly with arthritis, and it really helped with that.  She had been so stiff she could not bend over and pick things up off the floor.  Her arthritic pain had been at a level 10, then it diminished down to a level of 5 or 6 and now she is pain-free!  She says she is like a Jumping Jack now.

“I feel like a new woman.  I feel younger,   I feel like I have more energy than I ever had before”  She says that when her friend introduced her to the sauna “that was the beginning of the new me.”

‘It definitely works. I would totally recommend it. It really saved my life.”

Doctor, Author, Lectures on TV and Radio REALLY LOVES the Sauna, Trim with Flawless Skin


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Tony is a natural doctor and an herbalist.  He has a doctorate in clinical psychology, is the author of 15 books on health and owns a superfood line.  He is very aware of holistic health.

He got a Relax sauna about a year ago because he is so obviously into health!  “I want to stay as healthy as possible.”  He does a lot of lecturing and radio and television.  “I wanted to live as good as possible and stay lean and fit and I started using it and I could not believe the action I got!”  He sweated like crazy for the first 25 minutes.  He had used other saunas for up to an hour before but did not feel the benefits he felt by using the Relax far infrared sauna.

He loves it. He feels better, sleeps better and has less discomfort.  He had an injury about a year ago.  He fell about 5200 feet when he was hiking in Sedona and injured his hip.  He took the natural route of healing himself rather than using excessive amounts of drugs.

He has been using the sauna a couple of times a week but Phil’s staff suggested he  use it everyday so will be starting to do that.  He sweats, is leaner, is fitter, healthier and his skin has improved dramatically!  It is making the liver work much more effectively and the whole lymphatic system work much more effectively.  It’s improving his health and is getting those toxins out!

“That is what we all need to do, get the toxins out, get the lead out, get the mercury out, get the waste matter out of our body and in so doing – that is when true health really happens.”

He had used other saunas is in the past but, “you don’t really feel that much”.  Those other saunas took too long to heat up, whereas this one heats up instantly.  It’s lightweight, portable, he can take it with him anywhere and it really does the job.

He grew up as a farm boy in a family of 11 in Ireland, lost a lot of family members to cancer and heart disease and realized, ” there’s got to be a better way.”  He turned to organic farming and is helping people to discover what quality living is all about.  He now teaches the true essence about “you are what you eat” and you become what you think about all day long.  You’ve got to make better choices.

He is at the Answer for Cancer Conference in San Diego filled with doctors and cancer patients who know that there is something abundantly wrong with our food and the choices we make on a daily basis. Our food is not like it was 40 to 100 years ago.  Organic farming is almost nonexistent now.  We live on boxed foods, genetically modified foods and copious amounts of drugs. We don’t exercise enough, drink enough water or take in enough fiber.  We take in too many soft drinks.  We are a mess.  We smoke.  We’re a disaster – a certain segment of our population.  It’s time that we become more mindful, more aware of the choices that we make on a daily basis.

He believes in detoxification, which is nothing new and has been written about for thousands of years.  Native Americans use sweat lodges, saunas are used in Germany and all over Europe. 

The Relax sauna is remarkable because it creates a level of sweating that allows you to to get rid of those toxins.  This releases the debris that is preventing your body from being able to breathe.  The body cannot breathe (become oxygenated) when it is filled with toxins, debris and excess waste matter. The root cause of most illness and disease in this country Is systemic toxicity and poor nutrition.

He always tells his patients to be sure and hydrate before, during and after using the sauna.  They will sleep magnificently.  They will feel better and they will definitely see a difference in their skin, nails and hair.  “Why? Because it is providing oxygenation.  Bacteria and viruses cannot survive in an oxygen-rich environment.”  The Nobel prize was won for this back in 1939, 1941. 

This is an easy way, a simple way, an affordable way, a safe way and a non-invasive way for you to get healthy, to get lean, get fit and allow yourself a better quality of life.

That is what detoxification is all about.  “That is why I love this system. I really do.”

He had mentioned that he does a lot television and when they go to put makeup on for the show they say he doesn’t need any because his skin is flawless.  He gets daily compliments on the quality of his skin.  Phil mentioned that he does, as well.  Using the sauna to provide oxygenation to the blood, gives a great glow to the skin.  People ask him if he has been in the sun and he tells them, no, he has been in the sauna.

He uses the sauna, exercises (Pilates and yoga), drinks lots of water, eats fruits and vegetables and eats live organic raw superfoods, which you will find on his website  www.radiantgreens.com.  You will find all of his books there.  Phil commented that he loves promoting people who love the Relax sauna.

Tony says we get to pass this way but once and it’s important to do meaningful things, not only for our own lives, but for the lives of other people, to pay it forward, give back, help each other out, help people live a better quality of life and share information.  If you like something and it really works for you, why not tell other people?  He generally does not endorse anything unless he really believes in it, sees the people behind it and sees for himself if it actually works.

He lost his fiancée and many family members to cancer and it breaks his heart to see so many people losing their health due to lack of understanding, dysbiosis and not eating the right food. We think our food is good for us when in fact it is not.  Our food is now tainted and some people say there is more fiber in the box then you’re getting in the contents.  We need to get back to the basics like eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, really being mindful and not forgetting meditation and prayer, joy, connection, health and happiness and laughing!

He really recommends the sauna and he demonstrates how easy it is to use.  He says there is no excuse for not being healthy in the greatest country of the world.  We have abundance. Make sure you make really good choices!

Toxins Stored in Fat Cells

Constipation Completely Gone! Using a Relax Sauna/ Niacin Flush


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Kris is in the natural food business, has had her sauna for a little over two years, uses it daily and says. “I love it.”  She uses her sauna for detoxification and likes sweating in the sauna and the feeling of detoxification. We have a lot of environmental pollution, in the air and water and feels that the Relax sauna it Is a very effective way of getting rid of these pollutants.  She thinks that using it is a very significant way for healthy people to maintain their health.

She does not, and will not ever use, pharmaceutical drugs and always finds a natural alternative if she has an issue that needs to be addressed.  She says that, due to her practice of natural health for over 40 years, she finds that she has no significant health issues. “That may be why I’m healthy.”  Phil, who has also been doing this for the last 40 years, says he has always experienced a high level of health, as well.

On a radio network, she heard Anita Warren recommend that people do niacin flushes as described in L Ron Hubbard’s book, Clear Mind, Clear Body.  Since Kris already had a sauna and some niacin she decided to give it a try. We harbor toxins in the fat cells and when they are opened we never know what they are going to release.  You might release drug residues or even chlorine from swimming in swimming pools.  Kris had been a competitive swimmer.  She recommends reading about the niacin flush or finding someone who knows what they are doing if you decide to do a niacin flush in conjunction with the sauna.  Kris did it for three weeks and says. “ I was absolutely thrilled that I did it.”

She started with 500 mg of niacin, some people start with 100 mg. and went up to over 3000 mg.  Some people go even higher.

For Kris’s whole life, she had had a problem with constipation and had tried many things in the past with no success.  When she completed the flush her constipation was completely gone!

She recommends that people drink a lot of water and take some sodium or potassium after using the sauna. She said that she didn’t notice anything odorous, “but, boy, did I sweat!.”

L Ron Hubbard used his wooden sauna for about five hours.  Kris used her Relax sauna for about an hour.  She says to exercise for 20 minutes to get the heart-beat going and then sit in the sauna.  Phil commented that the Relax sauna is at least about five times more powerful than the regular old saunas so you don’t need to use it as long.

Kris recommends that if you are going to try and clean up the overload of toxins you have accumulated, that this is a good way to start.  Then add in some good dietary nutrients and people will come away renewed.  This is another valuable expanded use for the Relax far infrared sauna.

She heard Dr. George Yu, on the Radio One Network, say he worked in surgery and, although he had never received anesthesia, he administered it.  When he did the flush, he could smell the anesthesia coming out of his skin.

A woman that Phil knows did an intense 9-day Relax sauna cleanse.  Residues from different childhood illnesses came up every day and on the 5th day she waited an extra day because it took an extra day to work it out.

She likes to be able to do something while she is in the sauna and she loves the Relax sauna because you can reach your hands out of it and read a book.  In a wooden sauna, when you are really sweating, it’s hard to hold a book when you are soaked.

She also likes that is so portable. “It works great.  I have used it almost daily for over two years and I have not had one issue with it at all.”

Raynaud’s Disease Treatment with the Relax Far Infrared Sauna

Relax Far Infrared Sauna Good for Weight Loss and Skin Dryness


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Sherry loves her sauna which she has had for about 3 years.  She says that it is the best thing she ever received for a present.  They heard she was going to purchase it on her own so they bought it for her  She says it heats up right away, no wasted time and it really gets into your bones.

She has an autoimmune condition known as Reynauld’s, as do a lot of women, and the sauna helps with that considerably.  She does hot yoga.  On the way home she usually gets a chill so she hops in the sauna and takes a shower afterwards.  When she can’t make it to class she does several sauna sessions and sweats it out.  “It’s great.  It’s perfect.  I recommend it to everybody.” 

She recommends it to people with autoimmune problems, weight loss issues, high blood pressure.  Since the head is out of the sauna you can still breathe cool air  and your body is not overstimulated to the point where your heart rate goes so up.  You can unzip it a little bit and get some air before you zip it up again.  Its easy.  She says it’s not like the type of sauna where you go in there and it’s stifling and you can’t wait to get out.  She says to go out and buy one now!  It’s worth every penny.  And she catches up on her email while she is sitting in it.

She loves using it in the winter as she is one of those people who seem to never be able to warm up.  She finds that many types of other saunas have inconsistent heat, sometimes too hot or too cool or going from one to the other in the same session.  Both he and her husband love the sauna’s ability to relieve the aches and pains people experience as they get older.  Her husband played ice hockey and had been a weight lifter and ended up having both of his shoulders done and his knee resurfaced and he loves the sauna, too. Her skin-dryness condition improved using the sauna. I think it is a great product.  The people she knows who had gotten one of the cheaper far Infrared saunas ended up getting rid of them, just put them in the basement and never used them.

Relax FIR Sauna for Energy and Weight Loss


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Tricia was at the Raw Living Expo in Thousand Oaks, California.  She had been in a lot of far infrared saunas in the past and is a big fan of the health benefits, boosting the immune system, detox, weight-loss, reduction of inflammation.  The first thing that she noticed was that the sauna heated up immediately, she felt the infrared heat penetrating into her skin and she started to sweat which is really important for her because she doesn’t usually sweat because she has poor circulation.  She doesn’t have a lot of time and she doesn’t want to sit around waiting for the sauna to heat up.  She says that during the entire 20 minutes that she was in the sauna she could feel the detoxification and felt very relaxed.  She said that it was amazing and that it was about 20% or 40% better than what she had felt before and can’t wait to use it on more of a long-term basis.  She had said, previously, that other far infrared saunas were about a seven and that the Relax sauna was about a 10.  She said that she was exhausted from walking around the trade show all day and that using the sauna was like having a cup of coffee, very energizing.  She has had adrenal fatigue so getting that extra boost of energy felt really good.  She had used her parent’s far infrared wooden sauna in the past but she noticed that sometimes parts of her body would be cold and other parts would be really hot and sweaty.  In the Relax sauna she felt that the heat was much more even throughout her entire body.  She says that it might be a little bit misleading when people see the Relax sauna and compare it to a wooden sauna but that the Relax sauna is really comfortable, like a Snuggie, like a bug in  rug.  “It feels really good and I like it.”

Gerontologist Lost Weight and Cellulite, Skin Looked Prettier

The Health Benefits of the Far Infrared Sauna. Speech by Phil Wilson, Edison NJ 2013


To Watch the Video Click Here 

Phil has had a health food store in Columbus Ohio since 1980 which is now known as Momentum98.  He has been into holistic health since 197i when he started fasting. Prior to that his diet started improving and he noticed that his body chemistry stated changing and his thinking and his feelings started changing.  He had been a thinker with an honors degree from the University of Indiana.  He was thinker not a feeler.  The book, Narcissus and Goldman by Hermann Hesse talks about the journey of moving to a more balanced state, that of moving from being a thinker to more of a feeler.  One of his favorite sayings is, “Thinking without feeling brings about woe and feeling without thinking brings grief.”  This is a quote by Paul Twitchel. 

This is related to the Relax Sauna because when you go into it and you feel the energy, it takes a level of receptiveness to lay down your guard and just relax into it. 

The Relax sauna has a radiator in it that is the same one as is in the Far Infrared Relax Sky Eye Radiator, which the FDA has certified as a medical device.  It has the same healing energies that the Relax sauna has, which has the  equivalent of two of those. “Upon application the decrease in inflammation is remarkably fast.”

A lady was in a hospital for a year and a half with a diabetic ulcer.  When one has diabetes the blood gets thicker from too much sugar.  The energy from the far infrared energy interacts with the water molecules in the body and causes them to vibrate faster and shrink in size, promoting better blood flow.   After using the far infrared Relax radiator for 7 weeks – 20 minutes a day, the 1-1/2” x 1” ulcer was reduced to a pencil point.  If the Relax radiators can do that, imagine what they can do for us if we just want to become healthier or have fibromyalgia or have indigestion from eating the wrong foods or have hangovers, arthritis, Lyme Disease or any sort of inflammation that we can get.  This is where the miracles take place. 

Sunlight generates a vast array of frequencies such as what we see as color, as well as microwaves, x-rays, radio waves, gamma rays and near infrared rays.  It also generates the ultraviolet ray which causes sunburn as it creates a kind of resistance and friction.  The near infrared rays from such appliances as space heaters, toasters and hairdryers are also very harsh.  The far infrared ray is between 4 and 14 microns and is the the absorbable, deep penetrating energy.  We and the water molecules in the body vibrate at 9.4 microns so our bodies resonate with the far infrared energy.  We merge with it and there is no friction or resistance.  Far infrared lamps are used in incubators for premature babies so they can survive and thrive.

We, ourselves, generate about 75 watts of far infrared energy.  The saunas are called Relax saunas because this merging of energy is so relaxing.  Most people who first try the Relax sauna comment, “It feels so relaxing!”

In a similar way, Phil named his store Momentum98 because living in the moment propels you into greatness as you catch the wave of energy that you are experiencing in the moment and go with it, go with the flow.  Getting into the Relax sauna is a catalyst for getting in the moment and getting into that relaxed state.

When you are in the sun and you bask in the warmth of the heat penetrating into your body on a chilly day, that is the far infrared ray of the sun that feels so good.

Other far infrared saunas on the market emit between 20% and 60% far infrared energy and the rest is “filler” such as the near infrared ray which does not penetrate deeply. 

Momentum 98 has been distributing many products such as essential oils, Chinese herbs and Aryuvedic herbs and oxygen therapy products way before they became popular.   He was the “King of Massage Tools for a while.  The far infrared Relax sauna is the pinnacle of all they offer. 

About ten years ago he bought his first far infrared sauna and loved it, feeling very invigorated.  Then a year later, he discovered the Relax far infrared sauna. and realized it was 10 times better so he has been selling the Relax sauna for about 9 or 10 years now.  In Taiwan the definition of a far infrared sauna is that it has to be at least 95% far infrared energy.  The other far infrared saunas on the market that are only 20% to 60% cannot tell exactly how much they emit because their technology is so primitive.

The Relax sauna computer chip, that is used to create the far infrared energy which it radiates, took 10 years to invent.  The scientists were asked by the Japanese government if they could duplicate the energy of the hot springs in southern Japan that warriors in ancient days used to heal after battle.  Taiwan is where they make 94% of all the computer chips in the world.  They transform electricity into the exact frequency of around 9.4 micron frequency (give or take 5 microns or two) that heals the human body. 

There are 3 ways that the sauna works.  Body temperature increases by 1 or 2 degrees, micro-circulation increases and the lymphatic system is mobilized.  The Orientals say that this moves your chi.  In Taiwan they say that being in the Relax Sauna is like being in the presence of a chi gong master, a powerful statement.  Translated into English, that would be like saying that you were in the presence of a wonderfully powerful spiritual being generating divine love.  Phil likes to say that the Relax Sauna is the best that we can do to put divine love in a box.  This is because it feels warm, it feels loving, it is caressing.  It does all that and one lady today said that she feels that she is in a womb.

The water molecules in the body pulsate with a gentle massaging like the waves of an ocean.  This pulsation moves the H20 (oxygen and hydrogen atoms) closer together causing the water molecules and therefore the blood cells to become smaller.  The water molecules that make up the walls of the blood vessels become smaller as well. This increases the interior diameter of the blood vessels, allowing the smaller blood cells to circulate more freely.  The blood flow increases tremendously. This helped explain how the diabetic ulcer Phil mentioned before healed so rapidly.  This is why this is the greatest thing in the world for people with diabetes since the thinner blood flow allows blood to reach the furthest extremities.  While all of this is going on this increases the body temperature to bring it up, for example, from 98.6 to 100°.

During this talk, a woman who had been using the sauna said her lower back pain was diminished and it feels fantastic, feels good.

A question came up about saunas in gyms that have hot rocks. Phil says that they have been found to generate only about 5% far infrared energy and heat the air, not the inside of the body.  The hot air inside of the Relax Sauna is a byproduct of the heat given off by the radiators similar to how computers give off heat. The fans inside of the radiators keep them from overheating.   That heat is not what does the healing.  It is the interaction of the far infrared light and the water molecules in the body that does the healing.  A book called, No Sweat, Know Sweat, explains the powerful results of sweating and how around the world, people have been using saunas for centuries. 

The increased core temperature of the body-creates a mini-fever and this mobilizes the lymphatic  system.  The word, chelation, comes from the word, claw.  Our cells have receptor sites that heavy metals claw their way into, plugging them up so that they are there instead of what is supposed to be there in a healthy body.  The mercury, the lead, the arsenic, the fluoride, the chlorine that is deposited there are impediments,  These poisons get in the way of us being free, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and interfere with our bodies physically, causing them to not be able to move freely and be productive.  These are called toxins or inflammation or metabolic waste, which do not belong in the body. They are trespassing. The vibration of the water molecules removes these poisons from the body similar to the way fishermen will shake a crab to get it to release from, say, one of their fingers.  The vital energy that the body has is called the chi energy.  When this vital energy is increased, your body then has the strength to regain it’s health.  When these toxins are removed the inflammation goes away, the pain goes away.  This is one of the best things for pain management.

Karen Russell, a gerontologist,  was plagued by heavy metal toxicity for 2 1/2 years. She tried chelation therapy and many other methods but only with limited success, especially with lead and mercury.  She used the Relax sauna an hour a day for 30 days.  She’d then got a blood report that showed her lead and mercury levels were normal for the first time in 2 1/2 years. 

She also said that she felt better, that she had lost weight and that 65 to 70% of her cellulite was gone.  She also said that her skin looked prettier and that her fat content went from 38% to 20%. 

When you go to the Momentum98.com website, you will see many articles on the left hand side of the sauna page. There are three chapters of a book by Sherry Rogers, called Detoxify or Die.  in it she says that the sauna is the best way to remove heavy metals from the body and the only way to remove plastics, which accumulate in the body from such sources as plastic drinking bottles. In the video, Phil shows a slide indicating the amounts of toxins and fat released in the sweat collected after using the Relax sauna as compared to sweat released when using the type of sauna that has the rocks, which hardly shows anything being released at all. The far infrared Relax sauna shows huge amounts of metabolic waste, dioxins (chlorine), cadmium, heavy metals and fat which were released into the sweat.  The sauna emulsifies fats which allows the toxins which were stored in the fat to be released. Without the heavy metals, you do not need to fat to protect you. This is one of the reasons why people who use the sauna lose weight.  He also shows before and after photographs of Karen Russell.

When Phil first met his wife, and she got into the sauna, her screaming bone pain was gone in six minutes.  At that point she decided to buy the sauna and now uses it for pain management.

The Mayo clinic recommends the far infrared sauna for use by their heart patients. They tell them, “Do not go into a regular sauna or a hot tub.”  When the heart has to race to maintain equilibrium between the interior of the body and the outside, this is dangerous for heart patients who use regular saunas or hot tubs.  Because the Relax sauna heats the body from the inside out, equilibrium is maintained and is safe for heart patients to use.  The Mayo Clinic says this is extremely therapeutic for heart patients and because the far infrared ray affects only the water molecules of the body the sauna is safe to use for people with implants, stents, titanium rods or pacemakers to use.  Sherry Rogers explains this in her book, The Blood Pressure Hoax. 

The doctor of a woman who has MS warned her not to not get into the sauna because of the heat. When she tried the sauna anyway, she discovered that she loved it and that it did not cause any problems.  There are some things that doctors are not aware of and it is important to get advice from multiple sources and follow your own inner guidance when making decisions.  It is important that your thinking and your feeling  (your emotional and your mental bodies), be in balance so that you experience harmony within your whole physical being. Being in the Relax sauna is a catalyst for being in the moment.  And that is when all the miracles in life can happen.  So many great discoveries in life have happened when people move beyond prevailing thinking.

There is a one-year warranty and they typically last about 20 years at least.  They are very durable.  Many people use the sauna for about 15 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening and report they sleep much better.

In the same way that a Vitamix is much more powerful than a blender that does not mean that a blender is not useful, so the Relax Sauna has a much more powerful motor than that of other saunas making it more effective.  Wooden saunas in particular may look beautiful but they are not as technologically advanced.  Many people who have wooden saunas in their homes say they have not used them for years because they take too long to heat up – too much inertia.

And, incidentally, just like the antidote to inertia is momentum, the antidote to EMF energy is far infrared energy.  The high levels of far infrared energy, 95% to 100%, which the Relax sauna generators emit and which other FIR saunas do not emit at those high levels, neutralizes the EMF energy.

The FDA has classified, as a medical device, the Relax far infrared radiator that is in the Relax Sky Eye far infrared  lamp. This is the same radiator that is used in the Relax far infrared sauna.

Many of the cheaper saunas that you can find online for $300 or even less, generate about 20% FIR energy and are made of plastic which outgassed when heated.  Plastic is what you are trying to eliminate from the body.  When these saunas first came out Phil had one and it took him about 18 minutes to start to sweat and 55 minutes to complete the session.  He found that when using the Relax sauna that he starts to sweat within the first eight minutes and that he is completed after 20 minutes.

Also, since it is the light energy that does the healing, and not the heat, you can unzip the sauna about 8 inches if you feel too hot.

“it is really an exciting tool that we have here”.

Helps with Skin Quality


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I use it everyday in the morning and I feel wonderful.  My skin looks better now than before.  I recommend it.  It is very easy.  It stays clean.  I change my towels every time I use it.  I highly recommend it! – Peggy, purchased the Relax Sauna last year at the Health Freedom Expo, July 4, 2013

Relax Sauna Owner / Athlete Review / No Cellulite! – IT’S MY FAVORITE


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Shana and her boyfriend, Dr. Gonzalas, got a Relax sauna about two years ago and have been using it ever since.  She is a performance athlete.  She does marathons, endurance races, heavy weightlifting and athletics. “I cannot live a day without this machine.”  She uses it about 30 to 40 minutes a day and it makes her calm, balanced and relaxed. She finds that on the days that she does not use the sauna she is not in the same level of health as she is on the days that she does use it.  She notices that on the days that she does not use it that she does not sleep as well and her mood is not as elevated and she just generally does not feel as good as on the days when she does use it.  “I love this machine.” 

Living in downtown L.A., they have their sauna in the living room in a beautiful corner in front of the window overlooking the northern Los Angeles mountains.  It’s really nice being able to have her head out because in the mornings she can watch the sunrise and, when in addition to that the fire is going in the fireplace, it is just so calming and relaxing.  “I love it.”

On days that she’s feeling really sore, like post-marathon, or pre-marathon even, she gets in the sauna for about 10 to 15 minutes.  Then she gets out and takes a freezing cold shower for no longer than a minute.  Then she gets back into the sauna for another 10 to 15 minutes to elevate her temperature once again. Then she gets out and does another one minute freezing shower.  She gets in one more time for another 10 to 15 minutes and then takes a nice long cold shower when she gets out.

She finds that the Relax sauna is one of the few saunas is that can  penetrate deeply enough to actually breakup cellulite and release toxins, detoxing your blood, your organs, everything. She recommends the Relax sauna  to everyone.

She has been using saunas for about 13 years and says that the Relax sauna is, hands-down, her favorite.  Even if she goes to a Korean bathhouse she does the Relax sauna first because she knows that 80% more toxins are released in the sweat.  With the regular saunas, the sweat is about 80% pure water.

She finds that her athletic performance is greatly improved when she uses the sauna because her muscles are very well conditioned and are not rock hard. They are soft because there are no toxins building up in her muscles.  She also has no cellulite.  Because the sauna is infrared, it is inflammation reducing, so if the muscle gets irritated or inflamed it’s okay because she knows that in about 30 minutes it will be okay again, after she has used the sauna.  She says it helps her recover so quick!

A Profuse Sweat with the Relax Sauna in L.A., Near Infrared did Not Help Skin


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When Sabrina got into the sauna she felt like she was at about a level 10 in terms of anxiety.  Now she says she feels amazing and that she is so relaxed.  She is sweating and says that it is usually hard for her to get to sweat.  She had tried far infrared bulbs before but they were only about 20% to 30% far infrared and were not a high enough percentage to get her to sweat.  “This is honestly amazing.  Thank you.”

She had pain in her lower legs because she stands at work and her calves were always stiff and they hurt.  It had been a constant level of pain at about a level 6 and now it is gone.  “I don’t feel it.  Nothing now, really amazing”

She had gotten a monthly pass at a tanning salon and used near infrared but didn’t see any results at all, not even with her skin, which she had been told would improve when she used the near infrared.  She did not feel any warmth when she got into the bed, which took a really long time to heat up. 

The Relax sauna is between 95% and 98% far infrared energy and is more effective and efficient.  Phil commented that he had been using his sauna for 14 years.

“I love it. I would use it for 14 years if I had it.  I really love the Relax sauna.”  She purchased one.

31 – DetoxWeight sleep F

Relax Sauna Great for Muscle Building!


To Watch the Video Click Here 

Vadim bought a Relax sauna about a year ago and says that he notices that, by using it, he is now able to build more muscle with less exercise.  He is also able to eat later at night, still keep muscle tone and he finds that his circulation is better. When he does work out his muscles define better and he gets better sleep at night.  He is more relaxed and feels it is a great tool for meditation.  He watches guided meditations online when he is in the sauna.

For the first six months after he got his sauna he used it about six nights a week. These days, since he feels his body is so much cleaner, he finds that he only needs to use it a couple of times a week.  He now alternates between using the sauna and rebounding.

For sure, he really likes the Relax sauna!  “It was a good investment indeed. I highly recommended it.”

10-Year Sauna Owner Still Loves His Relax Sauna, Lost 55 Pounds


To Watch the Video Click Here 

Cleveland had been using his Relax sauna for about two years.  Before that, he weighed 235 pounds and had a 44-inch waist.  He used his sauna about 4 times a week for about 30 minutes, sweated a lot and showered.  The weight started coming off and he started his diet and herbal program.  He now weighs 180 pounds and says he feels great. “I mean real good!”  Now he uses the sauna 3 times a week.

He had been told that he needed to replace his left knee. He received other advice and was advised, rather than doing that, he should use diet and exercise.  He followed the program, used the sauna three times a week and now he says his knee is like that of a school kid.

He had received radiation as part of his treatment for prostate cancer and he was still experiencing problems from the effects of that.  Now by following the same program, the hair on his chest is growing back and now he’s feeling kind of good and sassy!  “it just gets better over time.”

His PSA levels were 5.3 and now they are 0.1.  He says he feels good and the doctor is happy about it.

He sees his doctor about every three months and he asked him if he would ever get cancer again and his doctor said, “Probably in about a 160 years from now, but it won’t be prostate.”

“That sauna is part of my life. It’s made a difference in my life and I’m first – one who can to tell you how I feel about it.  I’m going to use it for the rest of my life.  For the time I have left, me and my sauna are going to have a good time!’

Diabetes, Neuropathy, Psoriasis, Detox, Better Nerve Conduction Burns Fat

Dr. Ernest A Earhart from Besting Ridge, New Jersey has had his Relax sauna for a little over two years.  Five of his patients have also gotten Relax saunas after sitting it them for about five minutes and after he spoke to them about it. 

He says that when you sit in the sauna you feel that microzenation is occurring and you feel so much better as your nervous system improves and your joints feel more fluid.  Your body needs to communicate inside itself and he can feel that, neurologically, he feels so much better.  It relaxes him and, more than anything, it gives a good detoxification.   It excretes sodium, toxins and heavy metals.  When nerve conduction improves, as it does all day long after using the sauna, it is probably also burning a great deal of fat.  “It makes you feel better.”

As he is sitting, perspiring, in the sauna he feels that his frequencies are transforming so that his nervous system has more congruence and he feels warmed up to become as mobile as possible. “It’s a great, great feeling.”

He has used the sauna in conjunction with his patients who have diabetes and problems, neuropathy, sores that we’re not healing, bedsores and a host of other problems, including psoriasis.  He treats a lot of diabetics who also have psoriasis. A 71-year old patient of his who had rampant psoriasis on his left arm experienced good results by using the sauna in conjunction with controlling his blood sugar. 

He has had obese patients with BMI’s in the low 4’s, so they were grossly obese.  A patient of his who weighed 300 pounds uses the sauna.  He weighs her each time, before and after, that she gets out of the sauna.  She loses .5% of fat and weighs 1.4 lbs. less.

He thinks the Relax sauna is hygienically superior.  There’s a potential of him opening up a spa and providing several Relax saunas with some autonomic response tests and a number of other good ways of stimulating the nervous system and looking at the before-and-after of people who are in the process of losing weight.

He had a 13-year-old girl who was a Type 1 diabetic who was gaining weight, which is not usual for Type 1 diabetics. When a person is a Type 1 diabetic their pancreas stops secreting insulin and glucagon and they start to lose weight.  She is a clandestine eater and when he put her in the sauna, she started to feel better and if a 13-year-old gets into a better mood that is a lot of good work.

He says when you look at dry-heat saunas and the saunas with the rocks, you do get the heat but it is not as clean and doesn’t give as much perspiration.  It’s not as healthy and is not helping your cells to be micronized and to communicate to enhance the overall immunity like the Relax far infrared sauna does.   He says those other saunas might loosen up the muscles a bit and do some other things but they don’t do what this far infrared sauna does.

When micronizing allows the interstitial fluid to communicate, the nerve pathways are enabled to communicate with each other better, the body goes into the proper frequency.  When it goes into proper frequency, the ions are transporting enough electro-chemical energy so the body can fire, speed up and slow down, appropriately.  He agrees that that does not happen when you’re just heating the air.

He says the Relax sauna is more efficient, more convenient, easy, heats up immediately, is portable so you can take it with you, has semiconductors, gives you a good prominent detoxification and is extremely empowering, relaxing. It is magnificent for people who want to have a good nervous system, respect themselves, take good care of themselves, respect their health and have a good, steady, balanced state of energy.

He uses the sauna every day for 20 minutes in the morning.  He also has two at his office, which his patients use.  He uses one during the day sometimes with his clothes on, especially after he’s been in his laboratory where he has to process urine, saliva and feces.  He knows that he has been going in and out of a toxic environment, covered and uncovered.  He knows what he’s doing, implementing practical procedures in the laboratory.  He’s aware that, sometimes, he is smelling too much ketosis and ketoacidosis and uses the sauna to clean himself out.

He has 3 graduate medical degrees, one in Integrative Medicine, another in Biological Dental Medicine and another in Naturopathic Medicine.  He has a master’s degree in nutrition and has gotten honorary awards for that. He was a TA at Rutgers University and has done a lot of teaching.

He confirms that the Relax sauna energy helps the communication between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems by optimizing interstitial-fluid  communication and nerve pathways are enabled to communicate with each other better.

These letters arrived at the Momentum 98 Natural Health Store from Satisfied Customers:

Cleared up 99% of Psoriasis in Only 6 Weeks  (80% in 3 weeks)

About six weeks ago I purchased the Relax Far Infrared Sauna and began using it almost every day. I only wish I had photographed my elbows and arms covered in psoriasis because now they are almost 100% healed! I’m stunned because I have tried so many paths and nothing knocked it out.

I’ve also come to enjoy the ritual of the sauna. After my 20 minutes zipped up, whatever stresses I feel in me dissolve and I am calm. I follow with a shower beginning with lukewarm water and finishing with a cold blast that makes my skin feel brand-new.

I am spreading the word because I think that so many people might find that a Relax Sauna is a far healthier alternative to masking symptoms with meds as I once did. I lead a very healthy lifestyle but the sauna is just what I needed to take me to the next level.

The best purchase I’ve ever made!    P.S. I chose the black tent version because of its durable looks.  Thank you!  – E.S.  Connecticut, June 3, 2011

Cellulite Reduction

I bought the Relax Lie Down Sauna by recommendation of a physician.  I have suffered for 5 years from Lyme Disease and heavy metal toxicity.

No matter what support I gave my body my health never improved.  Little did I know that sweating was the key to open the door to better health.  My body was so overburdened by toxins and heavy metals that I have not broke a sweat since becoming ill.  I ordered the Relax Sauna one day and it arrived the very next day.  I was like a child on Christmas morning!  I had it ready to go in 5 minutes, I kid you not.  It took a couple of days for my body to begin sweating and after that, only two weeks later, I am feeling and seeing things happen that I find amazing in such a short time.  I sleep, my mind and body is for the first time in a constant relaxed state. 

The Lyme Disease had left my nervous system in overdrive and I cannot believe how calm and relaxed I am now. I never had cellulite, ever, until my body became overburdened with toxins. It just seemed to come out of nowhere.  Since using the Relax Sauna it is simply disappearing, like melting away!!!   It is all quite amazing in such a short time!  This by far is the most precious & the smartest investment I have ever made.  I thank you with my whole heart, Phillip, for such an amazing piece of the puzzle to get my health & life back.  I am so excited for what lies ahead!  – Sincerely, K.G. – Ohio, Relax Sauna Purchased – March 2010

You might also want to know that the Relax sauna is easy to take care of and to clean. Turn the sauna on after use, for 5 minutes, and it kills all bacteria.

To order one go HERE and type the promo code “Energy” in the comments box for free shipping.